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Host - A – Hive Program

What is Host A Hive: Bees from expansion from our personal hives or  through our recue program are placed in local “Victory Gardens” and organic gardens. We will manage  and maintain the hives, while you reap the benefit of having your organic garden pollenated and a share of the honey harvest or gift card towards the products we produce.  A free introduction to bee etiquette and behavior will be provided to all families entering the Host of a Hive Program. 


What are “Victory Gardens”?

Previous generations planted victory gardens in their front and back yards as a means to support their   nation’s war efforts - today many are undertaking the challenge of declaring independence from corporate food systems, reducing reliance on fossil fuels to bring food to the table, and cultivating a more healthy and fulfilling life by taking responsibility and control of our own food supply.  

To participate in the host a hive please email: alma@sarasotahoney with the following questions:

Please place: Host a Hive in the subject line.

Your name and address

Do you own your land/house?

Lot size including the house.

Is your backyard fenced in?

Do you have an area in your backyard that is full sun?

Do you have children? ages?

Do you have dogs? How many? Mostly Indoor,  Mostly Outdoor or outdoor under supervision.

Any other pets/livestock?


Please note: We place bees with hosts in the spring and in Sept/Oct.  We will look at your location via google earth. When the bees are ready for placement we will contact you in advance to discuss becoming a host. Please do not be disappointed if your location is not selected as a host. There are many factors we consider when selecting a host such as: security of the bees, forage, other bee population/competition, surrounding agriculture, time management.


© 2020 Sarasota Honey Company.

All rights Reserved.

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