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How to Become a Victory Vendor

We currently have 3 locations, our store-front on University Parkway and Rendez-Vous French Bakery on Clark Rd for product drop off and vendor manned parking lot pick up site and The Culinary Place in Gulfgate as vendor manned parking lot pick up site.

To be added the vendor info list you must:

  • Already be an active vendor at one of the local farmers market. Please email the following to

  • Let us know which pick-up location you would be interested in participating in or where you are offering a pick up location. 

  • Email us a brief overview about your company/products, logo, and pictures for the webpage.

  • Both Sarasota Honey Company and Rondezvous have agreed take in drop off orders or for vendors to park and use our parking lot as a pickup site. Please be in contact with both companies if you would like to just drop off order before advertising you are doing so.

  • IF you are dropping off your products at a pick up location. Have all orders CLEARLY labeled with customer name, phone, and pick up time slot. All order must be in a sealed taped/stapled box or bag.

  • Bring a laminated sign to indicate your drop-off table. Place order on table arranged by time slot and alphabetical order.  Example: Morning boxes/bags on top or on vendor receiving table and afternoon boxes in a container under the table.

  • Provide the company manager with a pick up customer list, customer contact info and pick up approx. time. Please double check your list matches your drop off. We don't want a situation of human error where a vendor believes they dropped off a customer order but really didn't.

  • Pick-up sites are not responsible for items that have not been picked up or customer complaints. We will direct them to vendor they are concerned with.

  • Vendor is responsible for receiving payment and notifying their customers the drop-off has been made. Victory Volunteers will not be allowed to receive payment

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